Turn voice memos into written notes

Cleft collects thoughts into organized notes.

Secure & Private
AI + You
Speak Your Mind
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Just Brain Dump
Share & Send Anywhere
Talk Don't Type

Loved by thousands of customers

Available on iPhone, iPad & Mac

- Sharfaroz

"I need five minutes with Cleft to go from 10% of a rough draft to 50% of a completed article, all through speaking my ideas rather than writing them down."

- Yoel

"I've used ChatGPT to summarize some things but I honestly hate it because I think it just takes away a lot of, I guess, the nuances and whatever. I think you guys did great, honestly it's so good. The fact that you're meeting with one of your users is massive because it really shows the attention to the product more than anything."

- Linda

"This is beyond the call of duty. Amazing."

- Lisa

"I'm not worried about taking notes because it's grabbing everything so I can be more present in whatever's going on."

- Jason

"I dictate meeting notes after a meeting when note-taking is not an option… doctors visits work especially well - where I need to message my wife how things went."

- Shane

"Fits my brain like a glove ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I absolutely love Cleft. It has been a game changer for me, allowing me to capture ideas and draft documents without losing my flow. I use Cleft wherever I can and being able to sync with my Obsidian notes is truly 🤯"

- Rafa

"Cleft has become one of the tools I use on a daily basis. I mostly use it to write down summaries of my meetings and my thoughts about them. Amazing work!"

- MyLightYear

"An easy way to capture notes and thoughts for the neurodiverse ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

- Meg

"I just downloaded Cleft and did my first note and it's amazing and I love it. It created a checklist from all the things I said! It’s amazing."

- Anna

"If I'm dictating a to-do list to myself, I use Cleft as it is really good at organizing my ramblings into checklists & bullet point lists."

- Dave

"Find Cleft to be an incredible organizational tool, especially for those of us who spend a lot of time in the car. And the improvements keep on coming!"

- Kipp

"Loving the iOS app. Great way to start the morning. Speak your thoughts and let Cleft do its magic!"

- Tyler S

"The key ingredient that I find being most useful about Cleft is just helping me to get from that zero to one space where it's the fastest voice to draft solution that I've found. I've tried other apps."

- Kurtis

"Try Cleft! It has helped me immensely. You simply hit a button and speak. It then transcribes your voice note and summarizes it all for you. Honestly it's a game changer."

- Khai

"I was interested in using it both because it has been made by neurodivergent people but also to see how it might work better with my neurodiversity."

- Amanda

"I'm enjoying it so far 😁"

- Duccio

"Cleft is dope check it out."

- Meighan

"Just say whatever's on my mind... Your brain can take a sigh. Holy moly. All I have to do is just say what is ever on my mind - Cleft then wraps it right into Notion."

- Sara

"The power of externalizing thinking through verbal processing, and the power of voice tools like Cleft for organizing disorganized thinking -- especially for those of us who are wired differently."

- Brent

"Big fan of Cleft so far, just upgraded last week to have >5 min entries and Zapier connects."

- Coach Katherine

"Honorable mention of course to Cleft which caught my verbal processing of the new idea I have for 2025 and turned it into something that actually looks like a great idea. Upgraded myself for the year because those zaps and shareable links are 💆"

- Niko

"Huge fan of Cleft—it genuinely helped me through anxiety and depression by letting me pour out thoughts and revisit them 😊"

- Jonathan

"I find Cleft intuitive as it is able it untangle my thoughts - it so simple yet so effective - it turns my rambling into something that's coherent. It's like magic."

- Jenner

"You literally have built one of the BEST apps for ADHD people."

- Mariglynn

"Y'all, this is the best tech add I've made in literal years! I use it multiple times a day, pay for an account, and can't recommend it enough!!"

- Bryant

"I was in the testing pool and it was incredible, borderline life changing. Was happy to finally subscribe. I’m a big Notion user too so I won’t hate it when that integration comes!"

- Scott

"I was so impressed with the way it synthesizes the meaning of your voice note. The way Cleft just brings it all together in a shorter, nicer formatted, easy to read note is a game changer for me."

- Graham

"There’s something about Cleft that just simplifies the process and I’m enjoying the AI algorithm that you guys are using."

- Gus

"I have very quickly adapted to using Cleft for longer notes and rambles that I want to use as structured text."

- Torsten

Finally, AI-powered note-taking that works EXACTLY as it should. I try dozens of new AI tools and most of them I use exactly once. I’ve used Cleft three times just this evening, it’s so good.

- Dave

"As someone with ADHD who's a little spacey but has a lot to do - this app is very helpful."

- Nghia

"I was left super impressed at how well It worked for taking notes."

- David

"Wow! I was just rambling with my phone on the desk and it got the recording perfect and organized it into topics and steps. Very impressive."

- Isaac

"It's not often you find apps that raise the bar like Cleft. You are onto something here."

- swift_automatons on Reddit

"Might be the first actual "AI marketed" application that seems to work and isn't some sort of scam"

- Tyler

"Wow - you are onto something here. So far, I am very impressed."

I use Cleft to record my random musings when I get inspired while going about my day. I press the widget on the Lock Screen and I speak my thoughts. It does a great job even if my ramblings were not entirely coherent! It’s like a buddy telling me what they understood from what I said, and does an awesome job.

- Michael

"This is a natural application for AI - taking spoken content, summarizing it, and categorizing it into a workable outline. And I believe Cleft is already successfully doing that."

- Dave W

"The output formats are awesome and the prompt engineering they've done behind it really is thoughtful."

- Andy A

"I need five minutes with Cleft to go from 10% of a rough draft to 50% of a completed article, all through speaking my ideas rather than writing them down."

- Sharfaroz

"I've used ChatGPT to summarize some things but I honestly hate it because I think it just takes away a lot of, I guess, the nuances and whatever. I think you guys did great, honestly it's so good. The fact that you're meeting with one of your users is massive because it really shows the attention to the product more than anything."

- Yoel

We love our users and thankfully they love us too.

Join the Hype

Capture your thoughts with Cleft's AI Scribe

Have an idea? A dream you don't want to forget? Maybe you just got out of a meeting and need to record a wrap up summary for your team?

Just speak and Cleft will transcribe your voice using on-device transcription.

Built for the Neurodiverse

Turn quick thoughts into actual notes you can use.

Create shareable links & export notes to your fav apps

Share a public Cleft link anywhere or copy the markdown out into your favorite application.

You can even automate your entire workflow with Zapier and sync .md files with Obsidian on your local machine.

Edit notes and attach files in a visual editor

When you're done recording, Cleft transforms your thoughts into coherent text along with heading titles, even reorganizing the structure for easier to read content.

Everything is fully editable in Markdown and even allows for uploading file and image attachments.

This Is Just You &
Your Voice

You talk, Cleft takes notes.
Share with a simple link.

Record on any device for free or upgrade for more time & integrations

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